Deliberately Gothic and dynastic
The spectacle hit every note of Roman splendor, but the message was deliberately Gothic and dynastic. At the same time, Theoderic’s house historian wrote books just to capture this splendor. This was Flavius Magnus...
Prosperous and peaceful
“My first duty is to you, Dominus.”
“Not unless you’re a fool, which I don’t think you are. Every man’s first duty is to himself, boy. If I hadn’t followed that rule, how do you...
Whole expanse of the Roman Empire
All of this was known, of course, to Galerius and Maximian through the spies they maintained in the territory of Constantius, as well as to Diocletian. But the Senior Emperor was troubled by illness...
Constantine was speaking the truth
Theognis looked deep into the eyes of the younger man, as if searching for a reason to believe Constantine was speaking the truth. Finally he smiled. “I came here to advise you because I...
The most infamous part of Antioch
The broad, columnlined street ended among the foothills of Mount Silpius in a road that wound upward toward the craggy peaks of the mountain overlooking the city. To the east a dense grove of...
Stately tour with Galerius walking
For the entire length of the Via Caesarea, the golden chariot continued its stately tour with Galerius walking beside it like a lackey at his master’s stirrup. Only when the city had been completely...
Hosius of Cdrdoba
Constantine told of his visit to Dura on the Euphrates; the strange effect the painting of the shepherd on the wall there had had upon him; and the comfort and assurance he’d received when...
Christianity appeals to the poor
“If I give you all the money you need to support your school at Autun, will you guarantee to solve all my knotty problems for me?” Constantine asked with a smile.
“Not guarantee no one...
Suspected that the silversmith
“Why would a man think to no purpose?”
“You are a soldier, so such may seem foolish to you, but some of the greatest discoveries in history have been that way. Are you familiar with...
Tribune Constantinus belongs
“Enoughl” The Caesar of the East shut his nephew up before he could say more. “You know Tribune Constantinus belongs to the Imperial Guard and you heard him say the Emperor sent him to...